Personal Development Camp (PDC) started with the aim to help children in their choices for the future concerning scholarship, career and workplace giving them knowledge and clues. In past
few years, PDC helped children to be aware about their rights which will help them to react properly if something happens and also to think critically in every situation. On 13 th June 2019, PDC was conducted for two days to class 8 and 9 students of Shree Baleshwori Secondary School with ice-breaking games, presentations, interactive sharing andbreaks. The program consist of four presentations: Education, Scholarship, Critical Thinking and Child Rights.
Education presentation: this presentation consists in general talks concerning how tochoose one’s own career. Along with the presentation, children passed the RIESEC test. This acronym stands for Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising,and Conventional which are 6 main kind of character a person can be. Usually, one of these is the strongest that defines the global way of thinking of the person. Given this, the test gives some advice concerning the type of career for each case.
Scholarship presentation: this presentation consists in explaining the different kind of scholarship one can choose after grade school notably relating with the first activity.
Critical thinking activity: this activity consists in raising awareness among children about the importance of developing one’s critical thinking. This way of thinking will notably help them in their choices and also in any issue or doubt they will meet.
Child rights: this activity consists in teaching the children their rights, notably towards school and family. The purpose is to help them reacting in case of violation of their right.



More than 50 students took part and were happy and interested throughout the program. They were not shy at all and ready to participate. Even teachers of the school came and took part in the activities and also asked us to share our presentation to conduct this program on their own which made the program successful.