Handing Over of the New building to Adarsha Basic School

Nepal Jesuit Social Institute handed over a two classroom building  and Furniture along with Early Childhood Development (ECD) materials to Shree Adarsha Basic School located in Jugal Rural Municipality-04, Pangtang village on 13th March 2020. The school did not have enough classroom for students since the Earthquake of 2015. The project was funded by Caritas Germany.

The team from NJSI and Mr.Richard Rai, representatives of Caritas Germany, School Management Committee, Vice-Mayor of the Jugal Rural municipality, ward chairperson, students and  local people were present at the function. The program was carried out with few cultural performances, speeches from representatives and inauguration and handing over.

Local people were very grateful to NJSI and Caritas Germany for the support provided to the school for the benefit of their children.


Paralegal and Parental Orientation to Women of Kunta Besi

With the objective of making women aware about their rights and helping them to understand their child’s psychological development, the para-legal workshop and parents orientation program was organised.This paralegal workshop was conducted at Kunta Besi Mahila Shasaktikaran Samuha located at Kunta, Kavre on 3rd and 4th of March 2020. The  program was conducted at women center built by NJSI. The community and the target group included women from Brahmin, Chhetri and Newar community.

The number of participants were 32 in total. The training program was conducted by Darsana Rai (Activity co-ordinator, NJSI) and Seliska Maharjhan (Intern from St. Xavier’s College) on the topics of fundamental rights, gender-based violence and Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights.  All the participants received the handbook compiled by NJSI on the basic of Constitution of Nepal 2072. The women were also given sessions of parent’s orientation on the topic of  parent-child relationship and the effects of parenting style on children. Some of the videos were shown to relate the topics which would help them understand better. The program was marked end with certificate distribution and experience sharing.

Visit of Provincials of Jesuit Conference of South-Asia

NJSI was happy to welcome the provincials of Jesuit Conference of South-Asia  (JCSA), along with Fr.Anthony Corcoran SJ; Apostolic administrator to Kyrgyzstan and Fr. Frank Janin SJ; President of Conference of Europian Provincials to NJSI office on 28th February 2020 evening. The group was present in Kathmandu for a week long meeting of JCSA along with the visit of Fr. General to Nepal. NJSI had the opportunity to share about the earthquake relief activities with the guests. The one hour program included the sharing and cultural performances by the alumni of NJSI computer trainees from the St. Annes Institute, followed by cultural dance from NJSI staffs.

The newly released magazine of NJSI was distributed to the provincials. There was a  fruitful interaction between the guests and the NJSI and St.Annes Staffs. The program came to an end after the delicious dinner together at Kamal Niwas.The provincials were very happy and applauded the activities of NJSI.

Fr. General Releases the NJSI 2015-20 Report

It was a great pleasure of all the Jesuits Institutions to welcome Reverent Fr. Arturo Sosa SJ; Superior General of the Society of Jesus,  Reverent Fr. Dauglas W. Marcouiller SJ; (United States Central Southern province) Regional Assistant for Canada, USA and Admonitor, Reverent Fr. Pierre Bilanger SJ; from communication office, General Curia. Among the various programs organised at different institutions in Kathmandu, the NJSI team had the opportunity to great and interact with Fr. General at the short gathering organised at St. Xavier’s Social Service Center on 27th February 2020.

Fr. Roy Sebastian, SJ (Director, NJSI) thanked Fr.General and his team for their immense contribution and blessing for the earthquake relief activities in Nepal through NJSI. NJSI team felicitated Fr, General and the accompanying team and with shawls by Fr. Arulanandam SJ, the Superior, bouquet by Mrs. Shristi Thapa, Administrative Director, and a momento by Mr. Tika Ram Regmi, constructor co-ordinator. Fr. General and the guests were invited to join the team of NJSI by wearing NJSI Jacket presented to them by Fr. Thomas SJ, the finance manager NJSI. Fr. General then released the book of NJSI relief activities from 2015 to 2020. The program was overwhelmingly beautiful with Reverent Fr. Aruturo Sosa and his team’s interaction with NJSI team and the children and staff of St. Xavier’s Social Service Center.

Inauguration of Xavier Niwas

As the construction of the Multi purpose training Centre ar Kavre nearing completion, Fr. Daniel Villanueva’s visit coincided with the completion of the first phase which is the construction of the staff quarter. NJSI took the opportunity to have Dani to inaugurate the staff quarter which is named as “Xavier Niwas” in order to keep the memory of Xavier Network in gratitude for being the sole donor for the construction of the entire Regional Centre. Xavier Niwas was inaugurated o

n 24th, February 2020. by Reverent Father Daniel Villanueva SJ, Vice-president, Fundación Entreculturas, Spain while Fr. Arulanandam SJ, Superior of NJSI, did the official blessing of the new building. Fr.Daniel Villanueva was presented with a momento of gratitude as representative of Xavier Network for their tremendous contribution to NJSI

The team then visited the Bhagawati secondary School’s activity centre for children with special need on the same day. There was a great welcoming program by the students of Bhagawati school followed by sharing  by the students representatives from Shree Ram secondary school and Bhagawati Secondary school on benefits of the eco-clubs established by NJSI.

Handover and inauguration of Shree Robang Basic School

As continuation of the Earthquake reconstruction activities, NJSI built a two storeys -four classroom- building for Shree Robang Basic School, Benighat Rorang Rural Municipality-9, Dhading. Despite of the challenging topography and bumpy roadways, harsh climatic condition NJSI put its constant effort to give best for the project.  NJSI handed over the building to the school on 22nd February 2020 and was inaugurated by esteemed guest Father Daniel Villanueva SJ, Vice-president, Fundación Entreculturas, Spain. The program was commenced in the presence of chief of the  Benighat Rorang rural Municipality-9, Mr. Pitta Bahdur D.C. as a chief guest and Father Arulanandam SJ, Superior of NJSI, Father Roy Sebastian, Director of NJSI, Father Thomas SJ,Finance Manager along with the entire NJSI tea and Mr.Suresh Malla ward chairman of Rorang Rural Municipality-9, as special guests while the staff and parents of the students presented as audience with their children.

The students, parents and teachers are very happy and proud of this new building which stands out as the first beautiful looking concrete structure in the whole area. The expressed their heartfelt gratitude to the Xavier Network for solely supporting the construction of this building and giving quality furniture for the class rooms.