Earthquake survivors of  Dhadhing, Dolokha, Gorkha, Kathmandu, Kavre, Nuwakot, Ramechap, Sindhuli, Sindhuplachawk and  Lalitpur (10 districts) have access to better educational facility, better school buildings and shelters and better sustainable livelihood options, with a special focus for the women and children, children with disabilities.

The Nepal Jesuits taking into account the emerging post-earthquake scenario of the survivors, the outcome of the need assessment made, keeping in mind the views and dignity of the survivors, the human and financial resources that are available with the Nepal Jesuits, the efforts made the by the Jesuits of Nepal and Jesuits globally, the solidarity expressed by the various stakeholders of the Jesuits of Nepal and its partners has envisaged to respond in the following categories:


Outcome-based Objectives



A:To improve the accessibility of children to quality education by availing educational materials, and teacher/parents training


 (reaching educational materials and other helps)

10000 students and teachers

B:To improve the accessibility of children to quality education by supporting reconstruction of damaged building, by providing roofing materials and by constructing new buildings

Education (Repair and Construction of Schools)

82 new class rooms will directly benefit 3725 students.

C: To improve the accessibility of special children to quality education by constructing new hostel buildings

Education (Support for persons with disabilities)

7 Hostels with around 140 disabled children

D: To develop sustainable livelihood for the women and most vulnerable by skill training, awareness, adult education, and availing initial raw materials

Women and Child safe Space

19 Multipurpose halls around 800 women and children

E:  To develop sustainable livelihood for the women and most vulnerable by skill training, awareness, adult education, and availing initial raw materials


385 skilled women,

550 farming families,

20 skilled youth

F:  To Provide safe drinking water to children and villagers by construction water reservoir and repair the road to Ramechap and Tipling for better connectivity.

Construction of water reservoir & road

300 students,

204 villagers in Ramechap,

600 villagers in Tipling and other villages

G:  To provide safety place for 100 families in Gyalthum village by constructing shelter

Construction of Shelters for Gyalthum

103 families